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Why Does Your Startup Need A Mobile App

Why Does Your Startup Need A Mobile App

Would Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram be still as popular as they are if they all didn’t have mobile apps? Probably not!

A mobile app has almost become a necessity for businesses of any size to grow and attract customers. Let us just consider some statistics first.

A little above 52% of web traffic globally is coming from mobile phones and the time people spend on their mobile devices has grown by 57% in the last few years.

If you are starting up a business and feel that mobile apps are for bigger corporations or are a heavy investment then you must think again.  A general website cannot offer the kind of profit you could make by having a mobile app. Let us tell you why investing in a mobile app, irrespective of the size or nature of your business is the next best thing for your business:

  • Increases visibility – A mobile app establishes your brand presence as nothing else can. With increased visibility and user engagement, profits are not far. It is much easier to look up information about your products on a mobile app than going through a browser and website.
  • A single place for all marketing campaigns – A variety of things can be presented within a mobile app. A booking form, messengers, general information, promotions; a mobile app can hold all of this in one place. Moreover, an app can also utilize users’ locations to send them location-specific or time-sensitive information.
  • Enhanced customer service – With a mobile app, you can provide solutions and services to your customers for any kind of query 24 X 7. This kind of prompt service will help you earn loyal customers for sure.
  • More ROI – Distimo, an app-analytical company has reported that the average expense you incur in building an app (for each device) is less than 1% of the increase in business revenue. The brand recognition and sale that you get from an app is huge compared to the amount invested in making it.
  • Expansion in customer base – With mobile subscriptions going above 9 billion with more than 6 billion of them having Smartphones, it is most likely that your traditional website will not suffice. In a market like this, if you do not appeal to the mobile users then your medium would quickly become obsolete. With features like integration of apps with social media apps, you will be able to reach the younger demographics which might not be possible otherwise.
Once you see the exciting difference that makes, you will soon have the means and enthusiasm to have your full-blown mobile app.

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