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IOS APP DEVELOPMENTCRC IT Infotech is a full-service iOS app development firm offering amenities that encompass the whole development cycle, from concept initiation to the distribution stage. With the diligent team and a proven quick-thinking methodology, we try and deliver end-to-end quality iPhone app development services that can help users with fruitful results.

Why hire iPhone App Development Services

iOS is one of the most used platforms that has taken people by storm. People use the platform with interest and attain a great satisfaction level in relation to the services they receive. At Magicbyte solutions, we are adept at delivering scalable, engaging, intuitive interface, secure, and feature-rich iPhone app development services. We at Magicbyte Solutions have a team of iOS application developers who constantly research, evaluate and code on Apple’s latest features. We try and solve real-life issues and replace traditional business processes on iPad and iPhone devices with responsive, industry-standard code, and highly-usable solutions as iOS apps.

To bring out the best for our client's project requirements, we provide app consultation, UI/UX design, Solution architecture, development, and server-side support services for the iOS platform.

  • iOS is one of the top platforms in the Mobile App Market.
  • It holds a whopping 200 patents for the iPhone.
  • Amazing and Rich Browsing.
  • Remarkable Features.
  • Ground-breaking Innovation.

Why Invest In An iPhone App?

Superior UX

iPhone apps have the benefit of delivering a superior user experience, with a fluid feel and look. Whether it is photos, videos, or music, our iPhone apps promise an experience which is unmatched.

High ROI

The iPhone apps serve the benefit of high ROI for a business as these lift up the business reach manifold as well and add more to its value. These make a lucrative investment and produce high returns in the coming time.

Loyal User Base

The brand in itself shows that how big the userbase it can have. It has a loyal user base that presents a significant opportunity for businesses that invest in iPhone apps. These apps come up to be a smart way to take advantage of the global popularity of the iPhone.

Development Process

With fewer devices and iOS versions to serve, iPhone app development is easier and less time-consuming. These apps are easier to create and test, which means that a business can have one prepared in a shorter time period.

Robust Security

iOS is equivalent to security, which makes these solutions the best for enterprises that want to protect their personal data and transactions. As a platform, iOS provides security against external threats like malware and viruses. All in all, the platform provides a complete security to keep all the tasks going at a smoother pace.

The App Store Edge

iOS is equivalent to security, which makes these solutions the best for enterprises that want to protect their personal data and transactions. As a platform, iOS provides security against external threats like malware and viruses. All in all, the platform provides a complete security to keep all the tasks going at a smoother pace.

Consult Your Project with Our Experts!


Services We Offer

We bestow our clients with a wide spectrum of Website Development Services in India. Our peerless service spectrum encompasses

iPhone App UI/UX Design

We craft simple and intuitive UI designs that are focused on delivering high-end user experiences. With the specially designed expert team, we excel at grid-based designs, split screen apps and more. With our iphone app development services, we ensure 100% customer satisfaction regarding the app designing and presentation.

Custom iOS App Development

Delivery of simple and intuitive designs are focused upon. We ensure to deliver high-end user experiences. The designing team confirm that the users receive what they want. With the fastest growing technology, we assure a perfect custom-designed iOS App Development.

Native App Development

As an iOS developer, the users can program in native languages such as Swift or Objective-C or build cross-platform native applications using - React Native (JavaScript) or Xamarin (C# & F#). We make sure that the users receive what they want in regard to the Native App Development. Along with it, for native mobile app development on iOS, with the brand, we recommend using the modern Swift programming language.

App Development For Apple Watch

We validate that the users receive a simple yet modest design for Apple watches. We use cutting-edge technology that works in favor of the clients. Receiving essential information from the observations without any complication is our main motive while designing the app.

Enterprise iPhone Applications

At Magicbyte Solutions, we make sure to organize the next generation of apps to the enterprise. The users receive tools and resources to modify the mobile workforce with enterprise-class apps, allocated seamlessly and protectively within the organization.

Games Development

As a responsible app developing company, we assure our clients to receive an unmatched gaming experience. Swift, robust, and intuitive programming language is what we seek to provide to our clients.

M-Commerce Applications

With the rising trends of e-commerce and M-commerce, we make sure to provide an easy iphone app development services for the same. Visual search, advanced personalization, and great experience are the parameters we take into consideration.

Social Media Applications

They have the fastest-growing demand across and building these apps for iOS, we try and offer the users the best experience of their lifetimes. With a great UI experience plus an ease of navigation, we totally rely on advanced techniques and tools.

Location-Based Applications

Our team of experts makes sure to design the best location-based applications to provide ease to the clients to find their way to the destination conveniently. A quick response plus the benefit of receiving the desired results are the aspects we keep our focus centered.

IoT Applications

For providing the best experience of IoT applications to the iPhone users, we make sure to develop IoT apps with utmost efficiency. With the rising trend of IoT, we at Magicbyte Solutions ensure to keep the users updated.

Mobile Payment Applications

Online payments have mounted up to a great extent and keeping that in mind, we make sure the users receive the best of experience through the Mobile Payment Apps in iOS. The ease of receiving and sending payments have now become seamless with the best-designed apps by Magicbyte Solutions.

API Integration

We open up new sources of data and make your client’s mobile experience amazing. Now, they can learn to download, integrate data from remote web APIs and then leverage it in your iOS applications.

Our iOS Mobile App Designing & Development Process


  • Knowing the client
  • Recognizing Project Possibility
  • Propose solution
  • Work on Requirements

Wireframing & Designing

  • Comprehensive sketches
  • Include client necessities
  • UX/UI design


  • A swift approach is used
  • Analyzing challenges
  • Identifying costs

Testing And QA

  • Testing the performance
  • Testing the submission process
  • Reporting bugs

Post-Launch Support

  • Infusion of feedbacks
  • Chat & phone support
  • All-day customer support

Psd to Html Development Process

Our PSD to HTML Optimization Process
Let's see how we optimize Our PSD to HTML Process
Use sliced version of PSD File in your HTML page to help your pages load faster.
Create directories for each section to manage the data in a systematic way.
Competitor research can give you an insight about the link profile of your rival businesses.
There is a great scope of incorporating styles into CSS with framework such as Bootstrap.
Create a customary design by collecting all the elements together against a body background color and images.
It facilitates jQuery and related frameworks to create most dynamic layouts which allows easy amalgamation of HTML elements with JavaScript.
Using different frameworks for a responsive HTML conversion enables a broad access of users through enhanced search engine visibility.
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