
Hiring Freelance Content Writer Vs Outsourcing

The first step to build awesome content is to decide who will write the content. While you have multiple options to choose from it is indeed not an easy journey. As an organization, you can hire an in-house resource, look for a freelance writer, or outsource to a content writing agency. Content writing is a field where anyone with a flair for writing can get into. But providing a constant supply of SEO-rich content is a different ball game.

Most companies have now come to the turning point where they realize that quality content is the source of more traffic to their business. That is why they need much deliberation on their part as to who can be the best source for the supply of well-written content.

The comparison below will give you a clear understanding of the difference between all three. 

Freelance Content Writer

Freelance writers love what they are doing and are seasoned in their job. You do not need to spend on hiring and training them and a good freelance writer can give compelling content based on your instructions.

But the flip-side is that since you have never met that person there are trust issues and you never know when they can disappear. In addition to that, you need to spend time providing all the details like a title and outline for the article, editing the article once the writer sends it, and few other such tasks which will take your time.

In house Writer

If you can afford to spend a lot and have enough time on your hand then an in-house writer could be a good option for you.  They are regular salaried employees and consistency of your content is guaranteed with an in-house writer. They are available to you on a regular basis and you can trust them to deliver on time.

But on the downside, it is the company’s job to train them on their industry and customers plus there is the overhead of hiring and retaining them. This overhead amounts to 1.25 – 1.75 times the salary of the hired person. This particular route is also not scalable since you are limited by the time limits, experience, and capabilities of the in-house writers.

Content Writing Agency

A content writing agency is a whole caboodle. They have the resources and expertise to meet various kinds of writing. Whether you need a news article or a technical one, there will be at least one person that the agency has access to with niche knowledge about your industry. Apart from quality content you also do not have to worry about some strategies like promoting your content or getting access to premium content writing tools since the agency would handle it all as part of their managed service.

You will be making a choice based on your unique content needs but a content writing agency shall be able to satisfy most of your requirements. It is a place that you can trust to deliver on time, have access to writers your specific requirement, and also provide other services like content promotion to make the whole process seamless. They are always available to discuss any revisions required or any other question on their content.

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